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Cloud & Digital Transformation

Business professionals collaborating on digital transformation strategy
Business professionals collaborating on digital transformation strategy

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing resources as a service, meaning that the resources are owned and managed by the cloud provider rather than the end user. Those resources may include anything from browser-based software applications (such as Tik Tok or Netflix), third party data storage for photos and other digital media (such as iCloud or Dropbox), or third-party servers used to support the computing infrastructure of a business, research, or personal project. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), lists the following as the five essential characteristics of cloud computing:

On-demand self-service:

With this model, consumers can gain immediate access to cloud services upon signup. Organizations can also create mechanisms for allowing employees, customers, or partners to access internal cloud services on demand according to predetermined logics

Broad network access

: Users can access cloud services and resources through any device and in any networked location provided that they have permission.

Resource pooling

Cloud provider resources are shared by multiple tenants while keeping the data of individual clients hidden from other clients.

Rapid elasticity

cloud computing resources can be rapidly increased, decreased, or otherwise modified based on the cloud user’s changing needs.

Measured service

Usage of cloud resources is metered so that businesses and other cloud users need only pay for the resources they use in any given billing cycle.

Business professionals collaborating on digital transformation strategy
Business professionals collaborating on digital transformation strategy
Business professionals collaborating on digital transformation strategy
Qomar Tech

Why is cloud & digital transformation important?

Digital transformation is when an organization takes advantage of new technologies to redesign and redefine relationships with their customers, employees, and partners. Digital transformation for business covers everything from modernizing applications and creating new business models to building new products and services for customers. Organizations choose digital transformation frameworks as a way to reimagine themselves staying competitive in their respective businesses and industries. Flexible technology to build, deploy, and manage applications more quickly in the cloud

  • Flexible technology to build, deploy, and manage applications more quickly in the cloud
  • Experimentation to embrace new ideas and gain new insights on customer and market demands
  • Measurement of experimentation results with data analysis to guide decision-making
  • Customer focus and data analysis to deliver greater value to customers
  • Agility to scale and accelerate without hesitation to succeed in the digital age
How to Implement Cloud & Digital Transformation in Your Business

Starting Your Journey Towards Digital Transformation and choose the Right Cloud Services for Your Business

Step-by-step diagram of digital transformation process

Create a strategylogy

Digital transformation is like any other initiative: for it to be successful, you need a plan.

Step-by-step diagram of digital transformation process

Pure Methodology

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Step-by-step diagram of digital transformation process

Startup Projects

Lorem ipsum amet conectur adipisicing sed do eiusmod incididunt ut labore.

  • What is microservices architecture?
    Microservices architecture (often shortened to microservices) refers to an architectural style for developing applications. Microservices allow a large application to be separated into smaller independent parts, with each part having its own realm of responsibility. To serve a single user request, a microservices-based application can call on many internal microservices to compose its response. Containers are a well-suited microservices architecture example, since they let you focus on developing the services without worrying about the dependencies. Modern cloud-native applications are usually built as microservices using containers
  • What is hybrid cloud?
    A hybrid cloud is one in which applications are running in a combination of different environments. Hybrid cloud approaches are widespread because many organizations have invested extensively in on-premises infrastructure over the past decades and, as a result, they infrequently rely solely on the public cloud. The most common example of hybrid cloud is combining a private computing environment, like an on-premises data center, and a public cloud computing environment, like Google Cloud
  • What is ETL?
    ETL stands for extract, transform, and load and is a traditionally accepted way for organizations to combine data from multiple systems into a single database, data store, data warehouse, or data lake. ETL can be used to store legacy data, or—as is more typical today—aggregate data to analyze and drive business decisions. Organizations have been using ETL for decades. But what’s new is that both the sources of data, as well as the target databases, are now moving to the cloud. Additionally, we’re seeing the emergence of streaming ETL pipelines, which are now unified alongside batch pipelines—that is, pipelines handling continuous streams of data in real time versus data handled in aggregate batches. Some enterprises run continuous streaming processes with batch backfill or reprocessing pipelines woven into the mix.
  • What is a data warehouse?
    Data-driven companies require robust solutions for managing and analyzing large quantities of data across their organizations. These systems must be scalable, reliable, and secure enough for regulated industries, as well as flexible enough to support a wide variety of data types and use cases. The requirements go way beyond the capabilities of any traditional database. That’s where the data warehouse comes in. A data warehouse is an enterprise system used for the analysis and reporting of structured and semi-structured data from multiple sources, such as point-of-sale transactions, marketing automation, customer relationship management, and more. A data warehouse is suited for ad hoc analysis as well custom reporting and can store both current and historical data in one place. It is designed to give a long-range view of data over time, making it a primary component of business intelligence.
Why Does Digital Transformation Matter?
oday, the entire economy is digital. Businesses are regularly engaged in digital adoption, transformation, and change efforts. Because of this, the entire global economy is digitizing. Digital transformation helps businesses stay competitive in this environment. Those that can transform effectively will survive, thrive, and succeed. Companies that are too slow to adapt will lose their edge in the marketplace.
What Do Digital Transformation Processes Look Like?
A digital transformation project involves a number of steps, such as: The digital adoption of new technology, tools, software, and platforms, to maintain or gain a competitive advantage IT modernization, from infrastructure to hardware to software Implementation of digital-first business strategies Refocusing efforts on the customer experience These disparate efforts follow global trends that prioritize customers and technology. Such trends contrast to “old-fashioned” business models that follow waterfall design approaches.
What Are the Benefits of Digital Transformation?
One of the most important questions is: why digital transformation? Some of the biggest benefits include: A competitive advantage in the marketplace Improved technology capabilities and technical capacities Business models that are more cost-effective and streamlined Innovative, adaptable corporate cultures Among others. The sooner a company can adopt digital technology, transform its business, and evolve, the greater the rewards it will reap.
What Are the Drawbacks of Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation does have drawbacks: It is not always easy – organizational change requires planning, effort, and support Employees and managers may resist change, especially if it is not planned for and mitigated Outcomes are not always predictable or guaranteed Digital transformation is an investment, sometimes a large investment These are some of the biggest barriers to digital adoption, transformation, and change. Despite these drawbacks, digital transformation is widely viewed as a necessary process in today’s economy. With the right planning, those benefits will often dramatically outweigh the costs.